梯度下降步长的选择至关重要,不能太大或者太小。line search
Backtracking line search:
Backtrack: 回溯
要求: 目标函数要求可微并显式知道梯度函数
- select parameters $0<\beta < 1$ and $0< \alpha \leq 1/2$
- at each iteration, start with $t=1$, and while:
shrink $t = \beta t$, Else perform gradient descent update:
解释:对于当前点$x_i$,不同的$t$会产生不同的$f(x_i-t\nabla f(x_i))$,$f(x_i-t\nabla f(x_i))$在局部情况下会按照所期望的慢慢减小,但是如果$t$过大$f(x_i-t\nabla f(x_i))$不会减小很多,甚至会上升.知觉告诉我们在大部分情况下 $f(x_i-t\nabla f(x_i))$ 会是如下图实线所表示的一样是先下降后上升的趋势。为了近可能的降低$f$,希望当减小的较小的时候能或者是当步长越过最低值之后能减小$t$以减小步长。该方法的做法是对当前的切线 $f(x) - t||\nabla f(x)||^2_2$,标记为$l_1$放宽到$\alpha$倍,即$f(x) - \alpha t||\nabla f(x)||^2_2$,标记为$l_2$.$\alpha \in(0, 0.5)$,因此放宽之后的线会更加平缓。该方法对迭代步长之后的值进行了一下比较,如果迭代之后仍然在$l_2$上方,说明迭代的步长可能过长(?),以至于迈过了最优值,需要减小步长。
疑问点: 如果迭代之后仍然在$l_2$上方,也有可能是步长太短了,怎么能保证有效性?
Armijo–Goldstein condition
校验以一定步长更新以后函数值是否能有效地收敛,防止较大的步长收敛速度较慢。如下图所示,l1是沿当前梯度的更新变化趋势, 是f的一个近似,步长约大约不准确。更新的原则希望f能够下降的较快,因此以l2做限制。由于$\alpha \in (0, 1/2)$, l2总是在l1上方。因此若f在l2上方,则说明f的下降趋势较慢,步长太大了需要缩小使得f落入l2一下。
- $\alpha \in (0, 1/2)$
- $d_k$: raw step
- $t d_k$: real step
Wolfe-Powell condition
exact line search
choose step to do the best we can along direction of negative gradient.
Usually not possible to do this minimization exactly.
Convergence analysis
Assume that $f$ convex and differential, with $dom(f) = \mathbb{R}^n$, and additionally
I.e, $\nabla f$ is Lipschitz continuous with constant $L>0$.
Convergence analysis for gradient descent
Theorem: Gradient descent with fixed step size $t\leq 1/L$ satisfies:
We say gradient descent has convergence rate $O(1/k)$,i.e to get $f(x^k) - f^* \leq \epsilon$, we need $O(1/\epsilon)$ iterations
- $\nabla f$ Lipschitz with constant $L \Rightarrow$
- Plugging in $y=x^{+}=x-t \nabla f(x)$,
- Taking $0<t \leq 1 / L$, and using convexity of $f$,
- Summing over iterations:
- Since $f\left(x^{(k)}\right)$ is nonincreasing,
Convergence analysis for backtracking
Theorem: Gradient descent with backtracking line search satisfies:
where $t_{min} = \min {1,\beta/L}$
if $\beta$ is not too small, then we dont lose much compared to fixed step size $(\beta/L \quad \text{vs}\quad 1/L)$
Convergence analysis under strong convexity
strong convexity: $f-\frac{m}{2}||x||^2_2$ is convex for some $m>0$. If $f$ is twice differentiable , then this implies
Sharper lower bound than that from usual convexity:
Theorem: Gradient descent with fixed step size $t\leq 2/(m+L)$ satisfies:
- rate with strong convexity is $O(c^k)$, exponentially fast
- to get $f(x^k) - f^* \leq \epsilon$, we need $O(1/\epsilon)$ iterations
Practice at the condition
A look at the conditions for a simple problem,$f(\beta) = \frac{1}{2}||y-X\beta||_2^2$
Lipschitz continuity of $\nabla f$: - This means $\nabla^2f(x)\preceq LI$ - As $\nabla^2f(\beta) = X^TX$, we have $L = \sigma^2_{max}(X)$
Strong convexity of $f$ : - This means $\nabla^2 f(x) \succeq m I$ - As $\nabla^2 f(\beta)=X^T X$, we have $m=\sigma_{\min }^2(X)$ - If $X$ is wide-i.e., $X$ is $n \times p$ with $p>n$-then $\sigma_{\min }(X)=0$, and $f$ can't be strongly convex - Even if $\sigma_{\min }(X)>0$, can have a very large condition number $L / m=\sigma_{\max }(X) / \sigma_{\min }(X)$
A function $f$ having Lipschitz gradient and being strongly convex satisfies: for constants $L>m>0$ Think of $f$ being sandwiched between two quadratics May seem like a strong condition to hold globally (for all $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ ). But a careful look at the proofs shows that we only need Lipschitz gradients/strong convexity over the sublevel set This is less restrictive.
Stopping rules:
stop when $||\nabla f(x)||_2$ is small
- recall $\nabla f(x^) = 0$ at solution $x^$
- if $f$ is strongly convex with parameter $m$, then:
Forward stagewise regression
Steepest descent
Gradient boosting